The International Karate Organization and the Kyokushinkaikan follow the Karate way of building character and training the mind and body to contribute to society, based on Sosai Mas Oyama's Kyokushin spirit "
- Keep your head low (modesty),
- eyes high (ambition),
- mouth shut (serenity);
- base yourself on filial piety and
- benefit others."
We in Kyokushin Karate-Do do not promote or practice discrimination or prejudice based on ethnicity, race, nationality, politics, philosophy, religion, sex or age and recognize that everyone has the same rights. Our greatest pursuit is to reach for the goal of international friendship and world peace.
Name of this Organization
The name of this Organization is the "International Karate Organization" (IKO). The IKO and the Kyokushinkaikan are synonymous because the two have the same purpose, that is to promote and popularize Kyokushin Karate-Do.
Founder and President
- Founder and President :The Founder of the IKO Kyokushinkaikan and of Kyokushin Karate-Do was Sosai Masutatsu Oyama, 1923-1994
- The President:The President of the International Karate Organization and the President of Kyokushinkaikan are one in the same.
- The President of the IKO Kyokushinkaikan, as appointed by Sosai to succeed the Organization, is Kancho Shokei Matsui.
Headquarters ("Honbu Dojo")
The Headquarters of the IKO is located in Tokyo, Japan at 2-38-1, Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan Tel: +81-3-5992-9200 / Fax: +81-3-5992-9600
- To contribute to society through the wisdom of Kyokushin Karate-Do.
- To attain the goal of world peace by promoting international friendship
- Branches:108
- Dojos:900
- Special Groups:50,000
- Total Membership:600,000
- Branches:167
- Dojos:6,500
- Special Groups:600,000
- Total Membership:12,000,000
Hoe zou jij vandaag trainen als je zou weten dat je morgen voor je leven moet vechten?