International karate organization, kyokushin Kai Kan Association Founder Chairman, Uttarakhand
Sensei (instructor) Dev Nath is the founder chairmen of International Karate Organization, Kyokushin Kai Kan Karate Association, Uttarakhand and a renowned Kyokushin Karateka. Sensei Dev Nath is a 3rd Dan (degree) Black Belt and an Associate Judge with over 46 years of experience in practicing and teaching in the martial arts. An expert in Aikido, oriental weapons, Sensei Dev Nath has given numerous martial arts Demonstration in different parts of the country.
Sensei Dev Nath began his Karate training in 1981 at the age of 14, his first experience was in Kyokushin Kai Kan style under the instructor Sensei Amitava Dutta, who represented India in second world tournament in 1979 in Tokyo Japan.
Sensei Dev Nath was awarded Bihar Championship trophy in 1987. He was the youngest fighter in this tournament.
He also fought the National Oyama cup in 1991 at Netajee Indoor Stadium in Kolkata.

Sensei Dev Nath would win many more tournaments throughout his Competition career and earn his Sho Dan (1st Degree) Black Belt in 1991 from International Karate Organization, Kyokushin Kai Kan, Tokyo, Japan.
He also earned 2nd degree in Karate Budokan International in 1994.
In the year 2008, he received Ni Dan (2nd Degree) Black Belt from International Karate Organization, Kyokushin Kai Kan, Tokyo, Japan.
In the year 2010 Sensei Dev Nath was invited to Singapore for special training and to witness the up-gradation test.
November 2014 He was invited in the 15th Asian Karate tournament in Shanghai, China as Judge, and participated in the Asian Committee Members Meeting, Seminar and an Advance Training Camp.
May 2016, again he was invited in the 16th Asia Cup in Hangzhou, China as Judge, and participated in the Asian Committee Members Meeting, Judging Seminar and an Advance Training Camp.
in August 2016, he went to the Asian Headquarter Orchard Tower Dojo, Singapore for the training and his San Dan (3rd Dan) test, successfully completed his test and promoted San Dan.
in September 2018, Singapore Oyama Karate-Do Kyokushin Kai Kan invited him as an official along with his fighter Jyotsna Pant to participate in Invitational friendship tournament held on 8th September 2018 in Singapore, Jyotsna Pant, aged 10, a brave girl from Uttarakhand, India, got the 2nd place under 14 category, lost the final with Li Xinyi, China. Age, Weight and height were the deciding factors.
on 6th November 2018, he was invited to attend an official seminar in Bangkok, Thailand.
AIKIDO – A Unique Martial Art introduced by Sensei Dev Nath who is the founder Chairman of Uttarakhand Aikido Association.
A Japanese form of self-defence and martial art that uses locks, holds, throws, and the opponent’s own movements. Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikido is often translated as “the way of unifying (with) life energy” or as “the way of harmonious spirit”. The name Aikido is composed of three Japanese character; Ai, meaning harmony; ki, spirit or energy; and do, the path, system or way. Aikido is the way of the spirit of harmony.
Sensei Dev Nath served as the head of Kyokushin Karate for more than three decades. He trained and developed many skilled students in Uttarakhand and also in different parts of India and conducted demonstrations in reputed schools, colleges and educational organizations in India.
Sensei Dev Nath is also an artist at heart and his paintings have been appreciated by the painting lovers in India as well as abroad. In the field of art he loves nature study.
While performing his duties as the chairman of Uttarakhand Kyokushin Karate Association and as Karate Instructor, an art Teacher, he frequently conducts seminars, tournaments, camps, Dojo’s and art Exhibitions , he remains committed to assisting others to reach their full human potential, as both Karateka and individuals.